Wacky Pajama Pants

I’m finally back into sewing after moving in August, even though not everything is tidily packed away yet. I was determined to sew some things in time for winter, and these pajama pants by Indygo Junction were at the top of my list.



The fabric is a kinda crazy flannel I bought a few years ago from Discount Fabrics in Berkeley, CA. It feels like good quality flannel, and hopefully it won’t pill too badly like other flannels I’ve used before.

I did enlarge the pattern by a few inches around, since the largest size for this pattern is a 2x, but I left the ruffled hems the same size just so they wouldn’t flare out quite so much.

I’m debating whether to make the matching top or not. I actually made a pair of these 2 years ago in a black linen and I do wear them out and about, grateful that I live in a somewhat hippie-ish place.