
I dream about having bolts and bolts of every kind of black stretch fabric there is.

Such Fear! For What?

I laid out the pattern and cut the jacket out.  I can’t believe I avoided doing this for days, I was so fearful.  I ended up making 2 mistakes right off the bat!  But, because I’d ordered extra fabric, and could use one mistake to cut out some smaller pieces, I think all will be well.

Jacket Layout

The Sleeve Adjustments

This photo shows the lengthening of the sleeves I had to do.  I’m using the Clover Wonder Clips as well as only using pins in the seam allowances so I don’t pierce the waterproof layers.  I will review the clips soon.

I’m also on the road right now, and will be until October.  All my sewing stuff is with me.  I cut out 6 or 7 patterns before leaving, because cutting on the road seemed like it would be hard to do.  They’re all in separate plastic bags with their respective pattern instructions, notions and thread.

Since we only have one small table in our trailer on which to dine, compute and sew, nothing has happened yet.  It’s all in my mind.  The first thing I need to do is try sewing on the Ultrex fabric and ironing on the seam sealing tape as a test.  Just writing that puts a tiny knot my belly.


Pictures of Fabric

Or, what I’m planning on making in the near future: